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Friday, February 22, 2013

Don't Bother With Me

Here's the thing, all the individuals that I truly admire, who I believe are intellectually superior than me, don't believe in God. They are law abiding citizens, morally integral, and contributed significantly to make this world a better one. However, the ones that tried to preach and convert me to religion, most of the times were arrogantly self-righteous, and offended to any questions that challenged their beliefs and believed that you're Satan's spawn for thinking the way you did. "You'll go to hell" they said. Oh, come on, not saying that Satan exists, but let's pretend Satan does exist, what did Satan ever do? Your loving and benevolent God killed more than Satan ever did.

You want to save me, is that why you even bother? There are far many that need saving more than me, please, for the the sake of your god, go help them. Help those that are affected by famine, save those who are victim of war, rescue the abused. I'm fine, I can wait until you are done looking after them. Really, I'm fine. You'll pray you say? No, praying doesn't help! They might have already prayed themselves, but the saviour just ignores them. Too busy fulfilling prayers such as "God, please, I don't want to be late", "God, please, let me find my lost key", "God, please, let the stains come off". Just go and help them if you really like to save people just like you claimed!

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