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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some Ironies In Life

  • You're asleep, you dream that you are so good at everything and everyone envies you for that. WAKE UP MISTER!!! If you want to be the best, you have to wake up and try!! Not asleep or daydreaming

  • There are religious wars, but I thought religions are about peace, harmony with each other and God

  • Some people abuse religions, and teach that God hates particular races or people, and those people(those particular people or races) need to be punished. Even stupider, there are actually people believe that suicide attacks or bombing, mass murdering some particular races or people, are acts of wordship to God

  • I thought I'll know more when I study hard, but the more I read, I realise there are more things that I don't know at all

  • When the President of United State doesn't fulfill the promises that are made. There are always people from other countries, complaining about that, and demand the promises to be kept. Mind you, It's THE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES, and whatever he does, he doesn't have any obligation to you(people of other countries)

  • Oh, and boycotting KFC, McDonald's, Burger King or whatever it is, won't affect America anyway. Do you realise who work there? They are your fellow countrymen

  • Some people thought It's cool to say "Think Outside the Box" when they're asked to give opinions about stuff, they thought they have said something smart. But honestly, I sincerely believe that they said that because they have no idea what's going on, and don't know what to say. They copy this smart "Think Outside the Box" quote, and make it stupid but still think it's smart

  • OMG!!! People always say this when there's unexpected or unbelievable event happens. What if they are atheist, which God they are referring to? Do they have and believe in God?

  • Do you wholeheartedly believe when there are people saying "I can't live without you"?. Certainly, those people have lived their lives years and years before they meet the "you". It might be true if "I can't live without you" is said to parents or whoever that raised you up. But using those words to people you love, doesn't seem appropriate as it'll be lying. There might be a certain circumstances where you literally can't live without that someone, but it's rare. In general, those words will be untrue. Isn't a good relationship based on honesty and truth? With this basis, If it's me, I'll say "It'll be a lie, if I say, I can't live without you. I really can live without you, but I'll choose not to be without you. Because that's the truth, I want to be with you"

  • I'll put more when I can think of something else~

    Herli © 2009


Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'll Be Here For You

You might be so screwed
You might have done the biggest mistake in your life that can't be undone
You might think your life is pointless
You might think that you are the most horrible human being

I might not be able to help you
Not able to correct your mistake
Not able to do anything for you
I'm just as horrible as you are
But, I'm more than willing to go through pain and sufferings with you

Doesn't matter what will happen to you
I'll be here
Isn't that the most important thing?
To have someone by your side, even though that someone can't do anything for you
At least, I'll be beside you, when you need someone! So you will never be ALONE!

Oh, your boss is scolding you! He treats you like shit
~Don't worry, scold me, treat me like shit!

Your friends lie to you, and then they go out without you
~Hey, why don't we go together?? You choose where and what!

Now you want to be left alone.. You don't feel like talking or seeing people at all
~Too bad, I'll be here bugging you, so even though you are alone now, you are not really alone! I am there.. Isn't it better to have something more than you really need than you need something but you don't have it?

Ug.. You don't know what to say
~We can always sit down here, and do nothing. I don't mind.

Now you are crying
~I'll wipe down your tears, or if you don't want me to wipe them, I can always cry together with you. I know, men don't cry, but for me, crying is not a big deal. You might think I don't have pride as a man, but let me tell you, my pride isn't that weak to be shaken by such a trivial thing, crying.

Finally, you realise about my existence. You are so touched and want to repay me

I'll support you, until you are strong enough to be on your own~
And when you are, I'll be gone!!

(Oh yeah, I don't mind if you want to share your happiness with me)

Herli © 2009


Happiness (is not for me)

~ When I meet my soul mate, I’ll be happy.
But that means I can't do whatever I want whenever I feel like it. Freedom's taken.

~ If I wasn’t feeling sick, tired, and in pain, I’d be happy.
But that means I have to go to work, or do whatever the boring daily stuff. One thing sure, resting after an exhausting day, feels good.

~ My dream wedding will make me happy.
If I have children, they’ll fulfill me.
If only I didn’t have children, I’d be free to live my life and be happy.

~ If people understood me, everything would work out.
But that means, there is no more unexpected and exciting moment in my life. Everyone would know what I'm going to do.

~ I need more money before I can do everything I want to do.
That simply means I have to work for money. Boring!!

~ If I didn’t have to do this mind-numbing work, I’d be free.
But no work, no money.

~ If I was less attached to money and more spiritual, I’d be happy.
How I wish God could help me.

~ I need more time before I can be happy.
But this means I'm going nearer to my death. Does death equal happiness?

~ If I wasn’t afraid of taking big risks, I could live my dreams.
But if everyone always takes the risks, who will lose the chance?

~ If I was better looking and in better shape, I’d be happy.
But do good looking people always happy? Oh, no, I can't eat that, that'll make me fat... Oh, sorry, that's not good for my skin~

~ If people took me seriously, I could be happy.
But what will my life be then? I can't even make a joke.

~ If this tragedy hadn’t happened, I’d be happy.
But I'll never experience anything then. Surely life without tragedy is just like a movie with straight plot, no trouble, no complication. Simply boring!

~ One day I’ll become enlightened, and have lasting peace and serenity.
But will that day come in time, that is before my life ended. Heroes from the past who sacrificed their lives for peace and serenity, for the freedom of their countries, never enjoy the peace and serenity they had fought for. Some people spent their whole life trying to find enlightment, does the enlightment worth the efforts?

~ I’ll be happy when I’m recognized for my great ideas.
But do I even have the ideas? I have to spend my life thinking, mind-numbing work.

~ I’ll be happy when I retire, travel, and can take it easy.
Oh, and like I don't need money to do so.

Why I couldn't just be happy~ without the "but" after that.