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Friday, February 22, 2013

Don't Bother With Me

Here's the thing, all the individuals that I truly admire, who I believe are intellectually superior than me, don't believe in God. They are law abiding citizens, morally integral, and contributed significantly to make this world a better one. However, the ones that tried to preach and convert me to religion, most of the times were arrogantly self-righteous, and offended to any questions that challenged their beliefs and believed that you're Satan's spawn for thinking the way you did. "You'll go to hell" they said. Oh, come on, not saying that Satan exists, but let's pretend Satan does exist, what did Satan ever do? Your loving and benevolent God killed more than Satan ever did.

You want to save me, is that why you even bother? There are far many that need saving more than me, please, for the the sake of your god, go help them. Help those that are affected by famine, save those who are victim of war, rescue the abused. I'm fine, I can wait until you are done looking after them. Really, I'm fine. You'll pray you say? No, praying doesn't help! They might have already prayed themselves, but the saviour just ignores them. Too busy fulfilling prayers such as "God, please, I don't want to be late", "God, please, let me find my lost key", "God, please, let the stains come off". Just go and help them if you really like to save people just like you claimed!

Logic Of Life!

Here's how it works, you weren't born just yet, you didn't even have the chance to do anything at all. Then there's god, with god's arbitrary rules, condemning you to hell for sin you didn't do, then proceed to pay blood price to himself so he could forgive you, that had not done anything yet, from himself. Yeah, you're that damned that god couldn't just forgive you! God has to sacrifice his son, Jesus Christ, his only son, so you can be redeemed. Proof of god's love! Oh well, except you know, death means nothing to them. So what sacrifice again?

Now, it's all good, all forgiven, except that you have to believe and accept that god saves you from damnation. You have to obey everything god says without question, otherwise, you'll pay the price, you'll go to hell. How is that forgiving? I meant, since the original sin, or whatever it's called, I think there should be enough generation passed by now. About time god just forget about it. If I kill someone today, should my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren be jailed as well?

Yeah, what's the point of being alive? Become mindless drone that is forbidden of having rational though? The brainless creature that will glorify god's name. The almighty god loves to be praised, telling everyone how nice he is and will punish you if you don't believe what he said.

God Made Everything Beautiful In Its Time

If god (not God) has plan for everything, and god has made everything beautiful in its time. "You either have a god who sends child rapist to rape children or have a god who simply watches it and says "When you're done, I'm going to punish you". If I could stop a person from raping a child, I would. That's the difference between me and your god." - Tracie Harris

Yeah sure, how would you feel if someone is about to mug you and there are a few polices nearby just going to stand there and watch? Ignoring your scream of help, and say "Don't worry mate, we'll search for him after he's gone, all good, justice will be served". Does that sound right to you? 

If no, how is your god benevolent? Oh, and don't worry, you can seek for forgiveness, god is merciful and forgiving. You know what is fucking wrong with it? The culprit could potentially get away with it, they might, you know, one day, decide to beg for forgiveness and believe in god. The victim, might however, in their anger decide to forsake god. 

The victim, because of a crime that god decides to just watch and let it happen, is going to hell. The culprit, because he/she asked for forgiveness, is going to heaven. Cool story!

Yep, totally beautiful. 


Let's Go To Heaven. Heaven Is Paradise??!!

Heaven ? What are you going to do there in heaven? Like seriously, tell me what is there for me that will make me want to be there? How is it a paradise?

A place where you'll glorify god eternally. No, unlike you, I don't find it fun! If I don't even enjoy it once, a few hours, in a week, what make you think I want to do it forever in after life?

A place where all you can do is watch non-believers burn. Your loved ones, your families or your friends might not believe what you believe and are punished to be there. All you can do is sitting there knowing they're going to be tortured eternally. Or is that part of the paradise? 

The joy of being rewarded and that to be able to finally say "Told you so, you should have believed in god?". The joy of watching people suffer, cause you know, you agree with your god. Who are we and what do we know to question the omniscient being. The merciful and forgiving god, the benevolent lord that failed to forgive unconditionally.